November 12, 2014
Harvey Warren Trust presents it’s first charity cheques
It has been over a year since Harvey passed and this charity was set up and in this time a tremendous amount of fundraising has gone on.
As we have stated from the outset, the purpose of this charity is to raise money in Harvey’s name for other charities who the benefactors suggest and that it may be spread over three baby and children related charities each year in accordance with the wishes of the benefactors and the trustees.
It was an absolute delight therefore that on 26th July 2014 we held a small barbeque to celebrate the amount of money raised and to make the donations from the year just gone.
This occurred in our garden where we have planted an apple tree which is in fact a Harvey apple tree and the Salisbury Journal were very kind in attending and photographing and reporting on the occasion.
We were thrilled to be joined by two of the consultants from A&E at Salisbury District Hospital, one of whom looked after Harvey when he came to them. The consultant and his fabulous team did all they could and were nothing short of amazing and wonderfully compassionate.
We were delighted to be able to present to them a cheque for £1000 to the Stars Appeal, Caring For Kids.
Harvey Warren Trust also gave £1000 to The Lullaby Trust and £1000 to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Thank you all for your kind help and donations and we very much hope that the concept of Harvey Warren Trust is appealing and that we can continue to raise funds with your help.
Please click below to see our letters of thanks from the charities.
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