April 6, 2016
Wheelbarrow Race 2016
This year’s Wheelbarrow Race was an absolute blast and we had a fantastic attendance both to participate and to spectate.
It was a far more clement day than those we have had over the past two years and with finely tuned wheelbarrows ready for the off Claire started the race with the aid of baby Lily.
As wheels turned and passengers were berated for their turkey consumption, those pushing the barrows held a smile and what was most delightful to see was others joining in to take turns to push.
The O’Callaghan’s Batmobarrow and Batman was amazing as was the mini O’Callaghan Spiderman and Spiderbarrow and they won the prize for best dressed team and wheelbarrow. Cowboys and cowgirls raced as did Elmo and a doggy themed barrow from the Selbys who won prize for most sponsorship raised. Dave and Jenni were spectacular as ever and this year dressed as Lou and Andy from Little Britain.
Though most were panting from their exertions there was one clear winner from the start, that was the barrow pushed by Lindsay Kirk with Millie and Sebastian on board. It’s no surprise to know he is a PT so next year a handicap must be in place (Bottle of rum before the start ?) Well done to Lindsay and team for winning and keeping us all going!
We collected over £200 in buckets during the race so a massive thank you to all who came along in whatever capacity and those who gave so generously.
We would like to send a huge thanks to Homebase who once again kindly loaned us the wheelbarrows for the event; without them, it would not be possible so thank you so much.
Thank you also to Sainsbury’s who donated the wine and choccys as prizes, all of which were greatly enjoyed by the adults and children respectively! Thank you also to WH Smiths for the book prizes for the children. Without all these, what would a prize giving be? We are very grateful.
We had such a great time again and it is so wonderful to see this event grow. We hope to see you all again next year and please bring your friends and family along.
We hope you all have a great 2016, this was a great start to ours and thank you all once again.