September 14, 2015

Ante Natal Classes


This year we were blessed to have another child, our daughter Lily who is now seven months old and a pure joy.
As we all know, antenatal classes not only provide parents with valuable information but very often lead to continual contact between attendees and lasting friendships. The support and backup of parents in the same boat at the same time with the same concerns is invaluable.
We would very much like to have been able to attend a group and meet people prior to the birth of Lily and hopefully keep in touch as she grows up. Though this obviously would not have been prohibited, we are very mindful of the feelings of others.
Within such groups, conversation tends to begin with discussions about other children etc. and though we are happy to take about Harvey and have found it very important, the last thing any expectant parent wishes to discuss is sudden infant death. The look of awkwardness upon many people’s faces when one answers the question ˜Is this your first child?” with the honest answer that we had a son who sadly passed away is testament to this.
We have met and heard of so many people who have lost children through miscarriage, birth, SIDS and other causes. Some of these people like to talk about their lost and others prefer not to.
We would like to ask whether you feel that there may be a place for antenatal classes for parents such as ourselves to meet others and speak openly and freely if so wished but to be able to look forward to the birth of our new babies and discuss all the issues as if a first time parent and if so desired to cover topics relevant to individuals.
We would very much like to use funds raised by Harvey Warren Trust to help in this regard should you feel that it may be of value.

We look forward to any comments or suggestions.

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